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Is Your “Retreat” Actually a Package Holiday? Let’s Talk Compliance, Shall We?

December 06, 20243 min read

Ah, the word retreat. Doesn’t it conjure up images of serene yoga mats, nourishing meals, and picturesque settings? No wonder it’s become the buzzword of the entrepreneurial world. But as much as we love the idea of blending work and relaxation, it’s time to have an honest chat about something many business owners seem to overlook (or conveniently ignore): regulatory compliance.

A Retreat By Any Other Name…

Let’s strip it back. A retreat is, at its core, a trip that includes a combination of accommodation, activities, and often food. Sound familiar? That’s because, in legal terms, it fits the definition of a package holiday.

Under the UK’s Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018, a package holiday isn’t just what you book through Jet2 or TUI. If you’re offering a trip—whether it’s yoga in the Yorkshire Dales or business planning in Bruges—where two or more elements (e.g., accommodation and activities) are bundled together, you’re officially in package holiday territory. And that means compliance obligations.

What Does Compliance Look Like?

Running a retreat means you need to:

  1. Protect customer payments through financial protection schemes like ABTA or ATOL.

  2. Provide clear terms and conditions outlining what’s included and what happens if things go awry (think cancellations or itinerary changes).

  3. Have appropriate insurance, covering not just public liability for your business but also the activities you’re offering and the selling of travel.

Failing to meet these requirements can lead to hefty fines or even prosecution. And let’s not forget the damage to your credibility.

Authenticity vs. Accountability

Here’s the kicker: many entrepreneurs position themselves as paragons of integrity, transparency, and authenticity. But how can you preach those values while sidestepping legal obligations? You can’t cherry-pick compliance when it suits you.

Let’s be real—most “retreatpreneurs” aren’t maliciously flouting the rules. Many simply don’t know they’re stepping into regulated territory. But ignorance isn’t a defence. As trading standards and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) tighten the net, this so-called “loophole” is closing fast.

Is It Really a Loophole?

Or are too many people wilfully turning a blind eye in the name of profit? Call it what you like—a retreat, an immersive experience, a transformative getaway. If it walks like a package holiday and talks like a package holiday, it’s a package holiday. And yes, the regulations apply to you.

Why It Matters

Running a compliant retreat isn’t just about dodging fines. It’s about ensuring your customers feel secure, knowing their investment is protected. Plus, being upfront about your adherence to regulations can set you apart in a crowded market.

Let’s Get It Right

Hosting a retreat can be a fantastic way to deepen your connection with your clients and deliver value beyond the usual Zoom workshops. But let’s face it—compliance isn’t exactly straightforward. Suddenly, you’re probably thinking, “Is all this extra work (and cost) worth it for just one retreat?”

Well, this is where we can help you. Our ghost hosting service allows you to run a fully compliant retreat without the hassle. We take care of all the legalities, regulations, and insurances, leaving you free to focus on what you do best—creating a transformational experience for your clients.

Think about it: you likely outsource your accounts, HR, and maybe even your socials and marketing. So, why not outsource your retreats too?

Let’s lead by example, showing that authenticity in business extends beyond Instagram captions. After all, integrity isn’t just a buzzword—it’s how you run your business, retreat or no retreat.

retreatpackage holiday retreat regulationsretreat compliancePTR 2018
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