In a world where leadership has long been defined by traditionally masculine traits—assertiveness, competition, and dominance—it’s time for a paradigm shift. ...more
January 08, 2025•4 min read
In a world where leadership has long been defined by traditionally masculine traits—assertiveness, competition, and dominance—it’s time for a paradigm shift. ...more
January 08, 2025•4 min read
As women, we are often taught to expect certain changes as we approach midlife. When I started experiencing fatigue, mood swings, brain fog, and sleepless nights, I immediately assumed it was perimeno... ...more
Wellbeing ,Lifestyle &leadership
October 18, 2024•4 min read
The time has come to shift the narrative from a binary view of gender balance to a broader and more nuanced approach: balancing masculine and feminine energies in the boardroom. ...more
August 30, 2024•6 min read
We are currently seeking guest blog posts in the following categories:
Topics include mental health, food, yoga, and other aspects that contribute to holistic wellbeing.
Content related to meditations, nidras, chakras, Reiki & reflexology, circles, and other spiritual practices.
Business & Career
Insightful articles on start-ups, financial management, social media, and other relevant topics for professional and entrepreneurial growth.
Articles focusing on women's health and wellness within the context of modern lifestyle.
Contributions highlighting activities that align with our festival's overall aims of personal development, empowerment, liberation, and education.
Unique experiences such as ice dipping and fire walking, along with the lessons and wisdom gained from these endeavours.
Submitting a guest blog post to Womanifest provides you with the opportunity to showcase your expertise to our diverse and engaged audience, as well as to connect with individuals who are passionate about personal and collective growth, spirituality, and empowerment.
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